Alberta CoLab was disbanded in March 2020. This page exists as a historical record. The Systemic Design Community of Practice was disbanded in March 2020. ELEVATE Workshops are opportunities for CoP members to practice, test, and trial - a process, a concept, an idea - related to systemic design. ELEVATE Workshops aspire to be member-driven, safe-to-fail spaces for public servants to practice and build their systemic design skills and confidence in a safe space, where they can gain feedback and support from thier colleagues and team mates.
Why ELEVATE? The SDCoP is rooted in the belief that, as public servants, it's up to us to make our own opportunities and take the first step into uncertainty - to try something new that we haven't done before. We often hear from public servants that they don't feel comfortable trying out something new for the first time live, that they don't feel they have a supportive space to test new ideas, and that they feel like they need more experience before taking a solo leap. ELEVATE Workshops aim to address these needs in a supportive way and to catalyze the creative confidence of SDCoP members to take future leaps. |