Alberta CoLab was disbanded in March 2020. This page exists as a historical record.
“The ability to create and maintain a high-quality, coherent and functional forward view, and to use the insights arising in useful organisational ways to detect adverse conditions, guide policy, [and] shape strategy.” - Richard Slaughter, Futures for the Third Millennium SFCoP aims to advance a Government of Alberta where strong strategic foresight supports leadership, policy, and program development. To achieve this, SFCoP focuses on building networks across the GoA and related stakeholder groups, sharing learnings and practices, and advancing specific, timely, strategic project work in a safe and open space. SFCoP aims to: - Demonstrate the value of strategic foresight and related practices to senior leadership
- Strengthen the trust and working relationships across foresight practitioners within the GoA and among broader communities as appropriate, including possible training and knowledge dissemination
- Create momentum for applied foresight efforts within the GoA
- Convene diverse stakeholders to advance short-term goals
- Provide a safe environment to discuss and assess ideas for future work
- Create a space for foresight practitioners to get perspective and keep ourselves “up in the canopy” more of the time
- Advance the understanding and branding of foresight across the GoA
As of January 2020, SFCoP events are on hold until a new lead steps forward. If you are interested in potentially leading this group, please reach out to former lead Lucy Banfield with the Department of Advanced Education for more information.